Liska’s Role in Jewish Spiritual HeritageFrom the 19th century, Liska has served as a focal point of Jewish community and tradition. Hershele Lisker, or Tzvi Hirsh Liska, draws thousands to Liska, inspiring pilgrimage each year. The village has over 500 Jewish landmarks, each contributing to the town’s historical depth. With nearly 3,000 Jewish… Read More

Liska’s Enduring Spiritual LegacySince the early 1800s, Liska has been a key center of Jewish life, known for its thriving cultural and religious community. Annually, thousands of pilgrims visit Liska, honoring Tzvi Hirsh Liska’s memory. With 500+ Jewish heritage sites, including cemeteries and synagogues, Liska is a symbol of enduring heritage… Read More

Az olaszliszkai zsidó közösségA 19. századtól kezdve az olaszliszkai zsidó közösség jelent?s befolyással bírt a falu társadalmi és gazdasági fejl?désére, akárcsak sok más vidéki zsidó közösség az országban. Olaszliszka, egy kis falu Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megyében, évszázadokon át otthont adott zsidóknak és nem-zsid�… Read More

The town of Liska, known as one of the most sacred places in the world, is filled with special moments where the deep prayers at the gravesite of Rebbe Hershele Lisker zt"l resonate powerfully.Through this prayer, we plead for healing for those who are unwell, financial support for the poor, and peace and wellness for Israel and all of humankind. … Read More

Hasidic Jewish Man's Heartfelt Prayer At Rabbi Hershele Liska's Grave Draws CrowdIn the silence of Liska's Jewish cemetery, a hasidic jewish man, baring his heart and soul, immerses himself in prayer at the grave of Hershel Lisker - Tzvi Hersh Friedman. In a moment of profound faith, he asks for the miracle of love, hope, and healing to embrace th… Read More